Saturday, September 17, 2005

Perception !!

Situation1 : an Ant was roaming around the house. It climbs
on the wall, on the roof, almost everywhere in search of food.

Suddenly it fell off and found itself inside a bowl of suger.

The ant was very happy, without even trying to understand
what happend it started eating suger.

It so happend that the person who was carrying the suger bowl
saw the ant, and killed it.

Situation2 : similar to situation1 but. Instead of killing
the ant, the person threw it off.
The ant is sad now.
It had not even started eating the suger.

Doesn't it look to see that when the ant should be scared, it
was happy and when it should have been happy, it felt sad.

Perception, the big picture, the whole storry.
unawareness of the next step is the reason of this mismatch.

It could happen with us as well.
We had better perception then the ant so we could understand.
But who will show us the big picture ?

Difficult. Isn't it ?
But, at least realising the fact that there might be
something bigger then what we see,think,'feel good or bad
about' , might reduce the number of resons to feel sad.

If it does, don't forget to thank the ant :)

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